Friday, 20 July 2012

Artlife: kjshfskldaf

Well, did you guys always think a new bedroom layout in every single month? Well i do. I always imagine new layout for my bedroom every-fuckin-time. This actually kinda makes me tired, but I just can't stop my imagination filling my head, like an endless rain into a paper cup (ngeh). So, I actually kinda like painting something abstract, maybe if you give me a realist or photo painting and some paint poured to a canvas that looks like nothing but cobblers, maybe I will choice that cobblers, I don't know why. I always want to fill my bedroom wall with my painting, but actually I never organize it well, sometimes I left my painting undone or I actually never get satisfied by what I've done so I just threw my painting and start a new one, and threw it again. Ok, enough with this crap talk. So tonight I found something that exactly what I want to do someday, fill my bedroom wall with my painting. His name is Selby Curtis, he's an artist. This is the picture of his room in his apartment.

What do you think? I think it's super awesome. A clean white wall paint, filled with his works. Well organized, cause he's a pro..

Ah and I found a picture of an exhibition, this kinda catching my eyes too. Well not to far from what I'm talking about, these are some good painting hanging on the wall.

This is more simple than Selby's room, not better, but I love it.

Maybe someday I will organize my works and hang it on my bedroom. But I still have to finish my bedroom, a little finishing touch. Argh, the only problem is I don't have enough money. Boo!

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